External Verilog Import

PyMTL3 supports co-simulating external Verilog modules with PyMTL components with the help of Verilator. If you have set up Verilator, you should be able to import your Verilog designs, test their functionality with productive Python-based testing strategies, or use them as submodules of another PyMTL design.

Placeholder components

Placeholder is a property of a PyMTL Component which indicates that this component only declares its interface but leaves its implementation backed by external designs (i.e., modules in Verilog source files). By declaring components as having the Placeholder property, designers are able to concisely describe a PyMTL component hierarchy in which one or multiple components backed by external modules are interfaced to the rest of the hierarchy in a disciplined way.


A placeholder is often used interchangably with a placeholder component.

Example: a top-level Verilog placeholder

Here is a full adder placeholder backed by an external Verilog module (indicated by VerilogPlaceholder):

from pymtl3 import *
class FullAdder( Component, VerilogPlaceholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    s.a = InPort()
    s.b = InPort()
    s.cin  = InPort()
    s.sum  = OutPort()
    s.cout = OutPort()

This placeholder only declares its interface but its implementation is supposed to be backed by external modules. You will need this kind of placeholder if you want to import an existing Verilog module for simulation.

Example: Verilog placeholder as submodule

We can further build up a new PyMTL component that has placeholder subcomponents:

class HalfAdder( Component ):
  def construct( s ):
    s.a = InPort()
    s.b = InPort()
    s.sum = OutPort()
    s.cout = OutPort()
    s.adder = FullAdder()
    s.adder.a //= s.a
    s.adder.b //= s.b
    s.adder.cin //= 0
    s.adder.sum //= s.sum
    s.adder.cout //= s.cout

The component HalfAdder is no longer a placeholder – it has a concrete PyMTL implementation and it’s implemented using the FullAdder placeholder.

Example: import a PyMTL RTL component

We will demonstrate how to import a simple Verilog full adder. First let’s make sure the Verilog file FullAdder.v exists under the current working directory:

echo "\
module FullAdder
  input  logic clk,
  input  logic reset,
  input  logic a,
  input  logic b,
  input  logic cin,
  output logic cout,
  output logic sum
  always_comb begin:
    sum = ( cin ^ a ) ^ b;
    cout = ( ( a ^ b ) & cin ) | ( a & b );
endmodule"> FullAdder.v

Then we will reuse the FullAdder placeholder in a previous example and apply the necessary import passes on it:

>>> m = FullAdder()
>>> m.elaborate()
>>> m.apply( VerilogPlaceholderPass() )
>>> m = TranslationImportPass()( m )

Now m is a simulatable component hierarchy! Let’s try to feed in data through its ports…

>>> m.apply( DefaultPassGroup() )
>>> m.sim_reset()
>>> m.a @= 1
>>> m.b @= 1
>>> m.cin @= 1
>>> m.sim_tick()
>>> assert m.cout == 1
>>> assert m.sum == 1

Once we have presented data to the ports of the full adder, we invoke sim_tick method to evaluate the adder.


If you are using PyMTL3 for RTL designs, the framework also supports translating your design and importing it back for simulation (which generally happens after you have tested your design in a pure-Python environment). Since your design still exposes the same interface, you can reuse your test harness and test cases for Python simulation to test the translated Verilog design. This eliminates the need to develop Verilog test harnesses and test cases, and also enables the use of Python features for productive Verilog testing.

Example: translate-import the full adder

We will be using the full adder example from PyMTL3 in this demonstration. First let’s import the design:

>>> from pymtl3 import *
>>> from pymtl3.examples.ex00_quickstart import FullAdder
>>> m = FullAdder()
>>> m.elaborate()

To translate-import this design, you will need to apply the two passes used in the previous import example. Apart from that, since we are not importing a placeholder, we also need to set up metadata to tell the translation-import pass to translate the full adder:

>>> m.set_metadata( TranslationImportPass.enable, True )
>>> m.apply( VerilogPlaceholderPass() )
>>> m = TranslationImportPass()( m )

Now we have a simulatable hierarchy backed by the translated Verilog full adder! You can find the translation result FullAdder_no_param__pickled.v under the current working directory. You can also simulate the adder like the following:

>>> m.apply( DefaultPassGroup() )
>>> m.sim_reset()
>>> m.a @= 1
>>> m.b @= 1
>>> m.cin @= 1
>>> m.sim_tick()
>>> assert m.cout == 1
>>> assert m.sum == 1

Advanced Verilog import

These import features make use of options offered by VerilogPlaceholderPass and VerilatorImportPass. In general, the options related to the Verilog module and source files are class attributes of VerilogPlaceholderPass; the options related to Verilator and C++ simulator compilation are class attributes of VerilatorImportPass.

While technically PyMTL is able to import any Verilatable Verilog design, code that conforms to certain rules can be imported much easier. For example, “pickled” designs are easier to import because having a standalone file saves the hassle of specifying its dependent files; we also recommend adding an ifndef *unique_label* guard to every file to avoid potential duplicated definitions during import.

How do I specify the file name and module name of the target design?

Assuming you would like to import module FooBar from file FooBarModule.v in the same directory as the Python file that defines its wrapper PyMTLFooBar, you can set the src_file and top_module options on the placeholder PyMTLFooBar:

from os import path
class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    # Name of the top level module to be imported
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.top_module, 'FooBar' )
    # Source file path
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.src_file, path.dirname(__file__) + '/FooBarModule.v' )

If you don’t specify these two options, the default value of top_module will be the class name of the placeholder (e.g., PyMTLFooBar) and the default value of src_file will be <top_module>.v (e.g., PyMTLFooBar.v).

How do I specify the parameters of the target module?

Assuming you are trying to import a module with parameter nbits = 32. There are two ways to do that.

First you can directly add that parameter to the construct method of your placeholder like the following

class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s, nbits ):
    # interface declaration here

The import pass will assume the module to be imported has a parameter named nbits whose value is determined during the elaboration of the PyMTL component hierarchy.

The second approach requires setting the params option like this:

class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s, pymtl_nbits ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.params, {
      'nbits' : pymtl_nbits
    } )

The params option takes a Python dictionary that maps parameter names (strings) to integers. When both construct arguments and the params option are present, the import pass prioritizes the explicit params option over construct arguments.

What if my target module does not have clk/reset pins?

PyMTL3 assumes each component has implicit clk and reset pins. By default, the import pass scans through the target Verilog file and tries to find code that defines a single-bit clk or reset pins. If you are importing a small design (maybe only a single module), this should work well and eliminate the need to manually specify whether your Verilog module has clk or reset.

If you wish to explicitly mark some placeholder as having or not having clk/reset, you can set the has_clk and has_reset options like this

class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.has_clk, False )
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.has_reset, True )

The explicit has_clk and has_reset options have priority over the values inferred from the Verilog source file.

What if my target module requires a Verilog include path?

You can set the v_include option to a list of absolute path of include directories. Note that the current implementation only supports up to one include path.

from os import path
class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.v_include, [path.dirname(__file__)] )

The above code snippet adds the directory that contains this file to the Verilog include path during import. Note that if you use placeholders with v_include metadata as sub-components, then during translation-import the top-level component will automatically get v_include metadata aggregated across all placeholders in that hierarchy.

What if my target module depends on other Verilog files?

You can set the v_libs option to provide a list of Verilog source files to be used together with the target source file. Suppose Verilog file PyMTLFooBar.v depends on PyMTLFooBarDependency.v, the following code snippet adds the dependency file to help Verilator resolve all definitions.

from os import path
class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.v_libs, [path.dirname(__file__) + '/PyMTLFooBarDependency.v'] )

Note that the files specified through v_libs will appear in the translation result if you translate a hierarchy that includes such placeholders.

What if the PyMTL component port names are different from Verilog port names?

You can use the port_map option which is a dictionary mapping ports to the name of Verilog port names (strings). The following code snippet shows how to map the PyMTL port names in_ and out to Verilog port names d and q.

class Register( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    s.in_ = InPort()
    s.out = OutPort()
    s.set_metadata( VerilogPlaceholderPass.port_map, {
      s.in_ : 'd',
      s.out : 'q',
    } )

How to enable Verilator coverage?

You can set option vl_coverage, vl_line_coverage, and vl_toggle_coverage to enable Verilator coverage (–coverage), line coverage (–coverage-line), and toggle coverage (–coverage-toggle).

class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_coverage, True )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_line_coverage, True )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_toggle_coverage, True )

How to suppress certian Verilator warnings?

Here is a code snipeet that disables lint, style, and fatal warnings. It also suppresses the MODDUP warning. vl_Wno_list takes a list of warning names to be suppressed.

class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_W_lint, False )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_W_style, False )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_W_fatal, False )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_Wno_list, [ 'MODDUP' ] )

How to dump VCD from the Verilator-Python co-simulation?

Here is a code snipeet that enables VCD dumping to DUT.vcd, sets time scale to 1ps, sets the clk pin cycle to 10 * 1ps = 10ps.

class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_trace, True )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_trace_filename, 'DUT.vcd' )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_trace_timescale, '1ps' )
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_trace_cycle_time, 10 )

How to enable Verilog line_trace function?

If your Verilog module defines the line_trace function using macro VC_TRACE_BEGIN/END, you can enable Verilog line trace like this

class PyMTLFooBar( Component, Placeholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # interface declaration here
    s.set_metadata( VerilatorImportPass.vl_line_trace, True )

Is it possible to add source files, include paths, or flags to the C compiler?


This feature has not been thoroughly tested.

If your Verilog simulation requires external C sources, include paths, or flags, you can specify them through the following options provided by VerilatorImportPass: c_flags (string), c_include_path (a list of paths), c_srcs (a list of paths), ld_flags (string), ld_libs (string).

Common Verilog import questions

How do I import a Verilog module whose ports use a SystemVerilog bitstruct?

Your PyMTL placeholder should declare a port of the same bitwidth.

How do I import a Verilog module whose port name is in?

That is not supported because in is a Python reserved keyword. We recommend changing the port name (i.e., to in_).

How do I import a Verilog module with a port array?

If your module has an unpacked array port like this

module foo(
  input logic [31:0] foo_in [0:2][0:3]

you will need an array of input ports like the following

class foo( Component, VerilogPlaceholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # This creates a 4x3 input port array which matches the Verilog module
    s.foo_in = [ [ InPort(32) for _ in range(4) ] for _ in range(3) ]

If your module has a packed array port like this

module foo(
  input logic [2:0][3:0][31:0] foo_in

you will need one input port of a long vector like the following

class foo( Component, VerilogPlaceholder ):
  def construct( s ):
    # This creates one input port whose width matches the Verilog module
    s.foo_in = InPort(3*4*32)